“Advanced materials and sensing devices towards integrated systems for biodiagnostics, food safety, and environmental monitoring”
23-27 October, 2023 | National Research Council (CNR), Bologna (Italy)

Matteo Calvaresi
Theranostic platforms based on protein/phage hybrids
Integrating nanoparticles/artificial prosthetic groups with biological systems to form hybrid functional assemblies is an innovative research area with great promise for medical, nanotechnology, and materials science applications.
The specifics of molecular recognition of proteins/phages combined with the electronic/photophysical properties of molecules and nanoparticles provides opportunities for physicists, chemists, biologists, and materials scientists to develop new theranostic platforms.
In therapy/imaging applications the role of proteins/phages is akin to that of “Trojan Horses” since they can (i) hide the molecules/nanoparticles, (ii) control their cellular uptake, (iii) drive their crossing of physiological barriers, and (iv) ultimately govern their biological fate.
In sensing applications protein/phage hybrids produces devices able to transduce signals associated with molecule binding, exploiting the biorecognition activity of these biomolecules.
Short Bio
Matteo Calvaresi is an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna, Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”. MC leads a multidisciplinary research group, NanoBio Interface Lab. He is the Coordinator of the PhD course in “Nanoscience for Medicine and the Environment”. MC is author of more than 150 papers with >3300 citations and h-index = 33. MC has published in the major international peer-reviewed scientific journals such as Nature Nanotechnology, PNAS, Chem., Acc. Chem. Res., Acc. Mater. Res. JACS, Angew. Chem., ACS Nano, et al. In 2016 MC was the recipient of an Italian grant of €388,000, in the program entitled “The Scientific Independence of young Researchers (SIR) programme” with the project: BIOTAXI – Hybrid fullerene/protein-carriers to target cancer cells. In 2020 MC was awarded a prestigious My first AIRC grant for five years (€498,000) for the project NanoPhage – An Innovative Hybrid Platform for Targeted Sono– Photo- Dynamic Cancer Therapy.

Carlo Augusto Bortolotti
Electrolyte Gated Transistors as versatile biosensors
In the last decade, Electrolyte Gated Transistors (EGT) have gained attention as key players in the field of biosensing. I will report on the most recent applications of EGOTs as biosensors explored within our research group. In particular, I will provide examples of EGT biosensors, with recognition processes typically taking place at the gate/electrolyte interface, for a number of biomarkers of mostly medical relevance: these include anti-drug antibodies for monitoring immune response to biological drugs, inflammatory cytokines as indicators of healthy ageing, neurofilament light chain in the context of multiple sclerosis, uric acid for wound infection monitoring. In parallel, though, we are exploring the use of innovative hybrid biological/(in)organic adducts as active materials in EGT architecture, and more specifically of semiconducting carbon nanotubes (CNTs) dispersed by proteins. In this case, the protein has the twofold aim of making the CNTs water processable and of serving as a channel-confined probe to sense target analytes in solution. Examples of such hybrid bio-nanomaterials for sensing will be also described.
Short Bio
Carlo A. Bortolotti is Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Life Sciences Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia since 2020. He received his PhD in Chemistry in 2006; from 2006 to 2008 he was a PostDoc at the S3 Centre (now Institute Nanoscience) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). He has been a visiting fellow at the Brandeis University, Technical University of Denmark DTU, University College London UCL, Harvard Medical School, Austrian Institute of Technology. He was Coordinator, Principal Investigator and Participant of several international and national research projects. His current main research interests concern the development of organic electronics biosensors for investigation of biorecognition processes and label-free quantification of biomarkers in complex solutions.

Jeroen Peters
Biosensors and their role in food and environmental safety
Biosensors are often defined as being a combination of biological molecules with analytical sensing elements. In his lecture, we will focus on the development of methods for the detection of food and environmental contaminants and explain a selection of biosensor platforms that are fit for purpose for the implementation at the point of need. Applications will range from food safety: the detection of antibiotics and mycotoxins in food and food products, to pesticides that have a severe environmental impact. Biosensors have been applied in various fields, including healthcare, environmental monitoring, and food safety. These biosensors range from dedicated machines that need trained personnel to biosensors highly suitable for citizens’ science. Nowadays almost every person in the European Union has operated a biosensor: the rapid covid test. These simple tests provide rapid answers and results can even be quantified using dedicated handheld readers or smartphone imaging.
Workshop: Rapid testing for food and environmental safety: contaminants in milk and flowers
Short Bio
Dr. Jeroen Peters is a researcher with a broad experience in biological sciences. Currently, he works as a researcher in the Bioassays and Biosensors group of Wageningen Food Safety Research, focusing on the development of biorecognition-based assays on a wide range of biosensing formats for the detection of food, feed, and environmental contaminants. He is specialized in the validation and application of developed (multiplex) biosensors that facilitate the detection of pesticides, mycotoxins, drug residues, marine biotoxins, and other emerging contaminants. A significant part of his current research focuses on the immunochemical detection of pesticides harmful to bees and the detection of toxic heavy metals in relation to the circular (food) economy and environmental monitoring strategies. He is the project leader for several national and European projects that focus on the detection of the aforementioned contaminants at the Point of Need.

Gert Salentijn
Sample-to-solution approaches for food safety at the point of need
In his presentation, Gert Salentijn will elaborate on the challenges that are typically associated with taking a (bio)chemical analysis out of the lab and to the point of need. When developing such approaches, one has to consider not only the detection of molecules, but rather the entire sample-to-solution workflow, which includes: (i) how, where and when samples are acquires, (ii) which sample processing is required, and how to perform that in an on-site applicable manner, (iii) how molecules will be detected in an easy-to-operate, and portable fashion, (iv) how chemistry will be converted into information, and how that will be pre-interpreted for end-users, (v) how to combine all those elements in a safe and efficient manner. These different steps will be illustrated with examples from dr. Salentijn’s research in food safety.
Short Bio
Dr. Gert Salentijn is associate professor of Analytical Chemistry at Wageningen University & Research (both in the Lab of Organic Chemistry and at Wageningen Food Safety Research), with a background in microfluidics, ambient ionization mass spectrometry, and on-site chemical analysis. In 2019 he worked as a visiting scientist in the world’s leading mass spectrometry group of Prof. Graham Cooks at Purdue in the USA. He is currently involved in several European projects aimed at developing on-site tests for natural toxins.
The final aim of such research project is to get chemical analysis out of the lab, and into the hands of the people that need the (interpretation of) chemical information. These could be consumers that want to know that their food can be safely eaten (e.g. free from allergens or toxins), or inspectors that need to monitor food safety for the government. Different research fields and analytical strategies are combined to achieve such goals, including ambient ionization (portable) mass spectrometry, lateral flow immunochemistry, chemical surface modification for (paper) microfluidics and 3D-printing.

Marcella Chiari
Surface Functionalization technologies for biosensors
Short Bio
Marcella Chiari is Research Director of the Analytical Microsystem group in the National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Chemical and Technological Sciences (SCITEC). Dr. Chiari has internationally recognized know-how in polymeric coatings for microchip electrophoresis and microarray on different materials including glass, silicon oxide, polydimethylsiloxane, polyethylene, and polydimethylsiloxane gold. She coordinates a team that includes organic, bioorganic, computational chemists, biochemists, and biotechnologists. Her research activity covers various aspects of microarray technology, from surface modification through polymer coating to the development of clinically relevant bioassays. Her lab is equipped with reactors for monomer and polymer synthesis. FTIR, circular dichroism, viscometer, spectrophotometer, and chromatographic systems are available to characterize and purify polymers. The lab is equipped with a spotting station, automated hybridization station, and LIF scanners. Author of more than 253 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Chiari has an h-index of 36.

Wilbert Kokke
ROSA Lateral Flow Fast Screening Technologies in Dairy products, past, present and smart future
Charm Sciences Inc. is the leader in testing raw milk on the presence of antibiotics in raw milk from different species with the ROSA test. Over time the needs of the dairy industry to screen faster for antibiotics is a key-wish. These developments from visual testing to using a reader device to judge the presence/absence for antibiotics became the new standard. Different developments came together and more and more testing of the milk up front before sending to the dairy were possible with newer reader systems and smart data-transfer. Technologies to bundle testing for more than 1 compound came into the market. It was necessary to keep developing the technologies for not only ROSA testing reagents but also the technical possibilities with reader devices and data transfer. The Rapid One Step technology and Charm EZ reader systems help dairies around the world whether small, medium-sized or with a global presence with customer based solutions in testing and data collection to ensure safe milk can be processed into other dairy products and consumers can rely on a safe product.
Short Bio
Wilbert Kokke is European Marketing Consultant for Charm Sciences Inc. since 2005. Charm Sciences was founded in 1978 in Boston-USA by Dr. Stanley Charm.
As European Marketing Consultant I have been working in various jobs and projects in the market for screening for different compounds in food and feed for Charm Sciences.
My major working fields are from testing a variety of antibiotics in raw milk and raw milk supplies to mycotoxins in grains. From the supply of equipment, reagents as well as technical support to the client base
has given multiple insights in the everchanging needs of stakeholders in testing food and feed in different steps in the chain of from farm to fork.

Massimo Rinaldi
EU funding opportunities for research and innovation
Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion until 2027. The programme facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation in developing, supporting and implementing EU policies while tackling global challenges. It supports creating and better dispersing of excellent knowledge and technologies.
The speech will be focused on some 2024 topics of interest for h-ALO School participants, namely: “HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-45: Quantum sensing and metrology for market uptake”; “HORIZON-CL4-2024-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-55: Photonics Innovation Factory for Europe (Photonic partnership)” and “HORIZON-CL6-2024-ZEROPOLLUTION-02-1-two-stage: Holistic approaches for effective monitoring of water quality in urban areas”.
Short Bio

Achim Kohler
New handheld and portable infrared devices for food quality measurements
PHOTONFOOD’s aim is to provide a portable solution for flexible farm-to-fork sensing of microbial and chemical contamination in food products and along the food production chain. The EU-funded project develops an integrated solution that combines innovations in mid-infrared (MIR) sensing with smart paper-based sample treatment, and advanced data analysis. Being validated and demonstrated in real scenarios along the food value chain, this new food safety scanner will ensure that food is free from fungi, pesticides, and other substances detrimental to people’s health.
Short Bio
Achim Kohler obtained his PhD in physics in 1998. After his PhD he has been working for 15 years at Nofima, The Norwegian Institute of Food Fisheries and Aquaculture Research in Norway, where he developed vibrational spectroscopy and data analysis techniques for food quality and safety analysis. He is currently a professor in physics at the faculty of Science and Technology at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, in Ås, Norway. Kohler is leader of the BioSpec group that is specialized in developing vibrational spectroscopic techniques and in data science for the analysis of spectroscopic data in life sciences. He is the coordinator of the Green Data Lab at Campus Ås. The Green Data Lab is a hub for research and innovation within data analysis for sustainability. He is coordinator of PHOTONFOOD that received funding by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101016444 and is part of the PHOTONICS PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP.

Chiara Zanardi
Electrochemical sensors for biodiagnostics, food safety, and environmental monitoring
Electrochemical sensors are invaluable compact and portable devices for the monitoring of different chemical species in complex liquid matrices, ranging from biological fluids to water and foodstuffs. The key element for the realization of an efficient sensor lies in the proper choice of the sensing element, which confer to the device the selectivity and sensitivity required to the specific application. In this lecture, I will discuss the advantages in the use of nanosized materials in electrochemical sensing, particularly focusing the attention to graphene related materials and to metal nanoparticles. The importance of the careful choice of the nanomaterial to use as well as of the chemical functionalization to include in the system will be highlighted, trying to define a property-structure relationship at the basis of the selection of the most proper sensing material to use for the application sought.
Short Bio
Prof. Chiara Zanardi graduated in Industrial Chemistry at the University of Bologna in 1998 and obtained the PhD in Chemical Sciences in 2002 at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. She has been Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Molecular Sciences and Nanosystem at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice since 2022.
She has a long experience in the development of electrochemical (bio)sensors for the monitoring of human health, environmental pollutants and foodstuffs safety. She was involved in many Italian and international projects, and she coordinated national projects dealing with the development of electrochemical sensors. She is the head of the Nano@Sens group at UNIVE, specifically aimed at the application of nanosized materials to the realization of electrochemical sensors for water pollutants and biomarkers in biological fluids.
She is the co-author of about 100 papers printed on peer-review journals, two patents, one book and three book chapters dealing with modified electrodes in electroanalysis.

Andreas Morschhauser
Microfluidics: The highways for next generation biosensors
The arrival of first biosensors promised a new era of decentralized biochemical testing. Soon the expectations were dampened by large instruments that were necessary to drive the small biochips. Microfluidics are a key technology in order to enable the full potential of biochips. The scope of microfluidic operations include reagent storage, dispensing, mixing, separation, thermal control and waste management. Since laboratory based protocols usually can not be transferred 1: 1 to a microfluidic chip a good translation strategy needs to be established. The lecture will present state of the art microfluidic approaches for sensor integration and give an example of the system engineering approach as a useful tool for interdisciplinary sensor projects.
Short Bio
Andreas Morschhauser graduated in Microtechnologies in 2006 and started working at the Center for Microtechnologies(TU Chemnitz, Germany) in the fields of new polymer-based materials for microtechnological applications. He specialized in microfluidics and built up an interdisciplinary group at the Center for Microtechnologies and at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nanosystems ENAS. The focus of the current research work is on the automation and miniaturization of (bio)chemical processes in compact microfluidic systems and on novel biomolecular-inspired nanotechnologies, such as DNA Origami.

Luisa Torsi
The Single-Molecule with a Large-Transistor (SiMoT) Technology for translational medicine
A large millimeter-wide electronic interface can detect at a single-molecule limit-of-detection. The technology is called SiMoT – Single-Molecule with a large Transistor. SiMoT detects directly in a droplet of a real fluid such as patients’ saliva or blood serum a single protein or nucleic acid marker. Considering the footprint of a molecule on a millimeter-wide interface, it is like spotting a droplet of water falling on the surface of a 1 Km wide lake. The applications span from a handheld intelligent single-molecule binary bioelectronic system for fast and reliable immunometric point-of-care testing of COVID-19 patients and Xylella fastidiosa single bacterium detected in infected plants sap. The phenomenon enabling such outstanding performance level was discovered in 2018. While still under investigation, it is supposed to involve an amplification that starts from the single affinity binding that triggers a propagating collaborative response. Future actions include the deepening of our understanding of the sensing mechanism and the engagement in a campaign of thousands of clinical trials that will bring SiMoT beyond TRL5.
Short Bio
Luisa Torsi is a professor of chemistry at the University of Bari and president of the Regional Center on Single-Molecule Digital Assay. She received her laurea degree in Physics and the PhD in Chemistry from UNIBA and was post-doctoral fellow at Bell Labs in USA. In 2010 Torsi was awarded with the H.E. Merck prize being yet the first women to receive this recognition. In 2019, she received the Distinguished Women Award by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). She was also the only women president of the European Material Research Society, the largest of its kind in EU. Prof. Luisa Torsi is also the winner of the Wilhelm Exner Medal 2021, a prize awarded since 1921 by the Austrian Industrial Association to celebrate excellence in science and the Premio del Presidente della Repubblica dell’Accademia dei Lincei. Torsi has authored ca. 230 papers, published also in Science and Nature journals.

Emilia Benvenuti
Molecular bio-recognition based on surface plasmon resonance in portable and miniaturized sensor systems
The workshop consists in three sections: (i) a theorical part in which the experiment using an imaging-SPR instrument is explained, (ii) a practical one involving students and (iii) a final part dedicated to the application of organic optoelectronic devices in SPR integrated and miniaturized systems.
The presentation comprehends the principles by which the surfaces developed at Plasmore become a platform for biomolecular assays and to the detection with organic light-emitting diodes and organic photodiodes. The iNPx instrument will be presented in the framework of the set-up of a typical experiment. Follows a brief overview on the functionalization of the nanostructured surfaces by mean of immobilization of biomolecules. Then, the experiment will take place.
The protocol of fabrication and of assembly of a miniaturized system based on organic optoelectronic components will be showed in front of the students, and the expected performance of the innovative technology will be discussed.
Short Bio
Emilia Benvenuti received her Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2017. Currently she is a researcher at the Institute for the Study of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN) of the National Research Council (CNR), Italy.
Her research interests mainly concern organic electronics. In particular, her scientific activity is devoted to thin-film growth via different deposition techniques, fabrication and optimization of OLET, OLED and OPD devices, integration of optoelectronic components for the realization of sensing system.

Eliana Manobianco
Molecular bio-recognition based on surface plasmon resonance in portable and miniaturized sensor systems
The workshop consists in three sections: (i) a theorical part in which the experiment using an imaging-SPR instrument is explained, (ii) a practical one involving students and (iii) a final part dedicated to the application of organic optoelectronic devices in SPR integrated and miniaturized systems.
The presentation comprehends the principles by which the surfaces developed at Plasmore become a platform for biomolecular assays and to the detection with organic light-emitting diodes and organic photodiodes. The iNPx instrument will be presented in the framework of the set-up of a typical experiment. Follows a brief overview on the functionalization of the nanostructured surfaces by mean of immobilization of biomolecules. Then, the experiment will take place.
The protocol of fabrication and of assembly of a miniaturized system based on organic optoelectronic components will be showed in front of the students, and the expected performance of the innovative technology will be discussed.
Short Bio
Born in 1993, Eliana Manobianco grew up with a passion for science and technology. During her early studies, was introduced to the fascinating world of immunoassays and this sparked her interest in the potential of targeting molecules using “magic bullets.”
In 2020, successfully completed her master’s degree in ADVANCED BIOTECHNOLOGIES at University of Pavia. During her academic journey, she decided to pursue her interest in biopolymers and their potential applications for analytical devices.
Starting her career, land a role as a Research Assistant at Plasmore, where she learned how to develop bioassays for Surface Plasmonic Resonance (SPR) analysis. The concept of making inanimate surfaces functional greatly involved her, but also embraced the opportunity to upgrade her skills in microbiology and to studying phenomena as plasmonic-enhanced fluorescence.
Today she continues to strive for excellence in biotechnology and research.

Johan Söderlind Åström
Workshop on the Integration of photodiode and Bluetooth
RISE will present the work done in h-ALO project where it was mainly responsible for designing the electrical system for h-ALO sensor operation and creating fabrication. Key element includes analyzing output signals. This involves driving circuitry, PCBs, power supply, and Bluetooth communication.
In this workshop, first we will present following keypoints:
- Circuit simulator
- Component market availability
- Circuit schematic design
- Circuit board design
- Circuit board manufacturing
- Hand soldering
- Ultrasonic cleaning
- Circuit testing.
Second, we will have hands on session with similar components used in h-Alo project and the audience will have the chance to assemble the hardware components, connect the components of the electronic circuits and display data on mobile devices through Bluetooth communications. The hardware consists of Arduino Nano 33 BLE, Breadboard, Opamp LM358P, Photodiode, Resistor, Cables and Smartphone “NRF connect” app installed. The workshop is designed to cater to individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests.
Short Bio
Johan is a dedicated and skilled developer with mixed knowledge of circuit design, CAD and programming. Proficient in creating innovative electronic solutions, combining in-depth knowledge of hardware design with expertise in programming microcontrollers. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to deliver prototypes and products.

Abdulrahman Kanaa
Workshop on the Integration of photodiode and Bluetooth
RISE will present the work done in h-ALO project where it was mainly responsible for designing the electrical system for h-ALO sensor operation and creating fabrication. Key element includes analyzing output signals. This involves driving circuitry, PCBs, power supply, and Bluetooth communication.
In this workshop, first we will present following keypoints:
- Circuit simulator
- Component market availability
- Circuit schematic design
- Circuit board design
- Circuit board manufacturing
- Hand soldering
- Ultrasonic cleaning
- Circuit testing.
Second, we will have hands on session with similar components used in h-Alo project and the audience will have the chance to assemble the hardware components, connect the components of the electronic circuits and display data on mobile devices through Bluetooth communications. The hardware consists of Arduino Nano 33 BLE, Breadboard, Opamp LM358P, Photodiode, Resistor, Cables and Smartphone “NRF connect” app installed. The workshop is designed to cater to individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests.
Short Bio
Raman is a senior researcher and a PhD holder in digital signal processing, brings wide expertise in tools for signal/image processing, and data analysis with over 12 years of industrial digitalization leadership. Proficient in C++, C#, Python, and MATLAB. With a dual role as software developer/tester. He actively engaged in optimizing projects for complexity and processing efficiency. He has led numerous projects in applied sciences and pioneered proof of concepts in domains encompassing signal and image processing, sensor technologies including Lidar, artificial intelligence (AI) integration, Internet of things, drone detection systems. He has managed and delivered 10+ deeptech projects, showcasing innovation. His expertise spans data collection, insightful analysis, and immersive visualization, enhancing decision-making.

Giuseppe Maruccio
Multipurpose lab on chip – From medical diagnostics to food and environmental monitoring
Lab-on-chip devices attracted large interest for medical diagnostics and drug screening as well as food and environmental monitoring. In this respect, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy allows the development of multipurpose biochips suitable for ultrasensitive detection of biomarkers in flow immunoassays providing tools useful to achieve a diagnosis of tumours (or other diseases) and monitor their evolution by liquid biopsy approaches. Similar impedance sensors can also enable viability, cytotoxicity, migration and proliferation assays and drug research on cell populations. For increasing sensitivity, advanced read-out approaches can be implemented exploiting magnetoresistive, plasmonic, SAW and SRR transducers while advances in gas sensing can enable diagnostic approaches based on volatilomics. More recently, organ-on-chip attracted considerable attention to achieve an improved understanding of diseases and to accelerate the drug development process towards more precise and eventually personalized standards. To take full advantage of their capabilities, a recent trend consists in the on chip integration of in-line miniaturized sensors to replace off chip assays on manually extracted samples.
Short Bio
Giuseppe Maruccio (1978) is Full Professor in Physics of Matter (FIS/03) at the Dept. of Mathematics and Physics – University of Salento and head of the Omnics Research Group which comprises researchers with different backgrounds from physics to life sciences working in close collaboration to foster exploratory and seeding research in cross-disciplinary areas with applications spanning from –onics (electronics, spintronics and magnonics) to -omics technologies (biosensors and lab on chip). Omnics laboratories are the Italian node of the European Infrastructure on Magnetism and are part of the Italian Innovative Research Infrastructure on applied Superconductivity. G. Maruccio is author of more than 170 publications and 5 patents in addition to several invited contributions at international conferences, institutions and PhD schools (h-index 32, citations >3000). From 2014 to 2019, he was Research Delegate for the Rector for the University of Salento.

Mario Prosa
Organic Optoelectronics as a Key-Enabling Technology for a New Class of Miniaturized Optical Sensors
Optical sensors are powerful tools for numerous analytical applications. Their general detection scheme includes a light source and a light detector, exciting and detecting the optical signal from a sensing component which changes its optical properties in presence of the analyte of interest. The integration of nanometer-thick organic optoelectronic devices represents a new approach to bring optical sensing methods to the point-of-need. The peculiar characteristics of different organic optoelectronic devices (organic light emitting diodes and transistors, organic photodiodes and phototransistors) are presented, with an overview on the functional materials, processing techniques and application of this kind of devices. We present different integration approaches, design methods and computational tools used to optimize the fit-for-purpose sensor performance. Finally, different miniaturized sensors, including fluorescence and plasmonic systems, and some key examples of real-settings applications are provided.
Short Bio
Mario Prosa studied at the University of Bologna (Italy), where he received his Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2017. He spent part of his Ph.D. in the group of Prof. Brabec (FAU Universität, Erlangen, Germany) developing efficient and stable organic solar cells.
Later, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow for the Institute of Nanostructured Materials (ISMN) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), where he is currently a permanent researcher.
His research interests include the development of organic/hybrid optoelectronic devices and their combination in biosensing systems.
He has been involved in different national and European projects by coordinating the activity of work packages devoted to the development of biosensors for health and food analysis. He co-authored more than 25 scientific papers. The relevance of his research in the field of Chemical Sciences is evidenced by the “Young Investigator” award and the “Primo Levi” award that he received in 2017 and 2022.

Margherita Bolognesi
Organic Optoelectronics as a Key-Enabling Technology for a New Class of Miniaturized Optical Sensors
Optical sensors are powerful tools for numerous analytical applications. Their general detection scheme includes a light source and a light detector, exciting and detecting the optical signal from a sensing component which changes its optical properties in presence of the analyte of interest. The integration of nanometer-thick organic optoelectronic devices represents a new approach to bring optical sensing methods to the point-of-need. The peculiar characteristics of different organic optoelectronic devices (organic light emitting diodes and transistors, organic photodiodes and phototransistors) are presented, with an overview on the functional materials, processing techniques and application of this kind of devices. We present different integration approaches, design methods and computational tools used to optimize the fit-for-purpose sensor performance. Finally, different miniaturized sensors, including fluorescence and plasmonic systems, and some key examples of real-settings applications are provided.
Short Bio
Margherita Bolognesi is a chemist with a PhD in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. She is Researcher for the Institute for Nanostructured Materials of CNR of Italy. She has been actively involved in several regional and EU projects in the field of advanced materials and devices for the energy, biomedical and agri-food sectors. She has co-authored more than 30 papers in international journals. Her main research focuses on organic and hybrid materials science, in particular on the study and application of new materials for optoeletronic and photonic devices and complex systems, for optical sensing and biosensing applications, optical communication, and for energy conversion and storage.

Tarja K. Nevanen
Tackling the challenges in rapid diagnostics and biosensing
Next generation of rapid diagnostic platforms, including biosensors, should meet the requirements of high sensitivity, specificity, multiplexing potential, stability, reproducibility, low prize and easy-to-use. Especially continuous monitoring and development of a multiplexed assay for many different analytes with varying detection ranges in a single sample has turned out to be challenging. Complex sample matrices bring additional issues.
The presentation is an introduction to recombinant antibodies and their potential to tackle the challenges in future immunodetection of analytes from different application fields. Examples of the utilization of the Fab-fragments in sensitive and specific rapid diagnostic platforms are presented.
Small antibody fragments are discovered from antibody libraries by in vitro selection and screening methods. Antibody engineering can be used to further improve their binding properties, immobilization efficiency and to create fusion proteins.
Short Bio
Tarja K. Nevanen (PhD, Biochemistry) is a Principal Scientist in a Biosensors team at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. She has over 20 years experience in recombinant antibody discovery and engineering technologies as well as in antibody-based applications for rapid diagnostic platforms, biosensors and sample preparation. She has 4 patents/patent applications and 27 peer-reviewed publications with totally 1770 citations and H-index 14. She has been supervising several Bachelor, Master and PhD theses. She has worked as a Pre-examiner of PhD theses and as a Member of an Advisory Group for PhD students at University of Helsinki. She has given lectures at Microfluidics and BioMEMS courses 2007-2023 focusing on biomolecules in BioMEMS applications.

Simone Belluco
Sensing devices in food safety systems: opportunities and challenges for producers and public health authorities
Food systems are quickly moving in the direction of sustainability and fairness, under the pressure of policies and consumer preferences. However, food safety risks to be disregarded, impairing the achievement of healthy and environment-friendly food systems. In this context, sensing devices represent an interesting opportunity especially if they can be able to provide on-site, real time, reliable and multiple data on several microbial and chemical targets in different food safety matrices. Within food supply chains, their use would be of particular interest in the context of food safety assurance systems providing timely information useful to avoid food safety issues and food waste. From a public health perspective the remote access to such timely and capillary data could be very useful to identify and trace food safety emergencies. On the other hand, the adoption of such devices for official control activities may encounter several barriers primarily due to the legislation constraints.
Short Bio
Simone Belluco is veterinary officer at the SCS8 – Enhancement of food production, Laboratory of quality and safety of food chain of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie.
After graduating in Veterinary Medicine (University of Padua, 2009), he obtained the specialization in Inspection of food of animal origin (2012) and the PhD in “Veterinary science” (2017). From 2011 to 2016 he carried out research activities at IZSVe and then served for two years as official veterinarian at the ATS of Brianza. He manages a laboratory carrying out microbiological and parasitological analyses of food at all stages of the production chain. He provides consultancy to Food Businesses Operators about Food Safety Management Systems. The core elements of his research activities are investigating the epidemiology of zoonotic pathogens in food products with a focus on meat. He furthermore focuses on methodologies of evidence synthesis and risk assessment, on antimicrobial resistance and on novel food.

Francesco De Angelis
Plasmonic solid state nanopores for identifying proteins and DNA/RNA by Raman Scattering
The success of nanopore sequencers for DNA has inspired extensive research. However, when moving to proteins or RNA post transcriptional modifications some major challenges remain, among them: 1) the larger variety of amino acids and RNA-PTM (about 20 and 100); 2) spatial and temporal resolution (sensitivity) to discriminate sub-molecular features. In this context, label-free optical analysis based on plasmonic enhancement shows great promises. In fact, plasmonic nanopores can confine and amplify the electromagnetic field into the pore. Extreme confinement improves spatial resolution while amplification increases sensitivity. Notably, Raman spectroscopy provides unique molecular fingerprints to discriminate even single chemical bond. We show our latest results on extreme plasmonic nanopores combined with Raman Spectroscopy for amino acids identification and sequencing at single molecule level in label-free way. We acknowledge support from Horizon 2020 (ProID GA 964363).
Short Bio
Dr. Francesco De Angelis leads the Plasmon Nanotechnologies Unit at IIT, Italy. His main expertise relies on the design, realization, and application of nanostructured materials to control optical, electronic, and mechanical behavior at the nanoscales. He currently leads and/or participates to numerous European Projects in the field of nanotechnology with a focus on biosensing. He published more than 180 papers mainly in the fields of nanotechnology and biomedical physics. Currently the research unit is composed of about 20 people (2 researchers, 16 post docs, 1 PhD student, 2 technicians). Among them, physicists, chemists, biotechnologists, pharmacologists and engineers collaborate in a very multi-disciplinary research group that aims to develop nanostructured materials to control behavior/properties at the nanoscales.

Valerio Beni
Printed Electronics and Hybrid printed electronics for sustainable sensing
The increasing demand for consumer electronics and the need for reducing its environmental impact have boosted the development of more cost-effective fabrication and integration processes and the research toward more sustainable materials. Additive manufacturing, in the form of hybrid printed electronics, is showing high potentialities in these areas. In the first part of this seminar an introduction to hybrid printed electronics and on how material’s development can influence its sustainability will be presented. Following examples of the use of printed electronics for components development (e.g. sensors) will be presented. Finally, it will be presented how pick and place technology could be used to integrate printed and more conventional components for the development of novel sensing platforms for biomedical application, logistic and distributed indoor environment monitoring.
Short Bio
Dr. Valerio Beni (http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6889-0351) received his Degree in Chemistry from the Universita’ degli Studi di Firenze, Italy in 1999 and a Ph.D. in chemistry in 2005 from the University College Cork, Ireland. Following postdoctoral experiences at the Tyndall National Institute (2005-2007) and at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (2007-2011he moved to the Biosensors and Bioelectronics Centre of the Linköping University as an Assistant Professor in electrochemical biosensor.
Since September 2015 he is working at RISE AB (Research Institutes of Sweden) where he is involved, as senior scientist and project manager, in the exploitation of hybrid printed electronics in the development of sustainable sensing platforms for application in MedTech, logistic and sensing. Furthermore, Dr. Beni is also strongly involved in the development of more sustainable materials to be used in the additive manufacturing of sustainable electronics.

Marco Calderisi
Simplifying sensor data exploration: effective management and analysis
The generation of data according to correct and reproducible procedures is a very important aspect in the study of complex systems. In this work, a generic framework for multiplex optical biosensor is presented, leveraging preprocessing techniques, advanced statistical approaches like PCA and targeted event identification algorithms.
The data analysis methodology generates critical outputs, including calibration curves, dissociation coefficients and predictions. PCA plays a pivotal role in detecting abnormal channels and mitigating potential misinterpretations due to aspecific interactions or cross-reactivity, enhancing data interpretation and analytical outcomes. Automated analysis algorithms enhance the robustness of the results and strengthen confidence in the experimental methodology.
The analytical workflow presented unlocks valuable insights for enhanced detection, showcasing the broader significance of data analysis in advancing sensing technologies across diverse fields.
Short Bio
Marco Calderisi holds a masters degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Metabolomics. He has been working as Chemometrics consultant since 2003 and has a professional experience in R&D project, mainly process and manufacturing industry, healthcare, and in environmental data analysis and monitoring. Actually he is the CEO of Kode (2012), founder and member of the board of a spin off of the University of Siena, Terradata (2006), fonder and Head of Data Science dept of a Scuola Normale Superiore spin-off, INTA (2020), and hold a post-doctoral fellowship at the Science of Life Department of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

Caterina Giacomelli
Simplifying sensor data exploration: effective management and analysis
The generation of data according to correct and reproducible procedures is a very important aspect in the study of complex systems. In this work, a generic framework for multiplex optical biosensor is presented, leveraging preprocessing techniques, advanced statistical approaches like PCA and targeted event identification algorithms.
The data analysis methodology generates critical outputs, including calibration curves, dissociation coefficients and predictions. PCA plays a pivotal role in detecting abnormal channels and mitigating potential misinterpretations due to aspecific interactions or cross-reactivity, enhancing data interpretation and analytical outcomes. Automated analysis algorithms enhance the robustness of the results and strengthen confidence in the experimental methodology.
The analytical workflow presented unlocks valuable insights for enhanced detection, showcasing the broader significance of data analysis in advancing sensing technologies across diverse fields.
Short Bio
Caterina Giacomelli is a physicist specialized in materials and nanotechnology. Following a brief research experience in materials and biosensors, she spent three years working as a data scientist, focusing on industry-related applications and biosensor signal analysis. Currently pursuing a PhD in BioRobotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, her research focuses on optical sensors embedded in soft robotic arms, aiming to advance proprioception and exteroception in continuum manipulators.

Laurent Balet
Design and realization of a broadband optical sensor for air pollution monitoring with examples from FLAIR and TRIAGE prototypes
FLAIR and its follow-up TRIAGE are H2020 projects aiming at developing air quality sampling sensors in the 2-10μm molecular fingerprint region. The sensors are based on an innovative supercontinuum laser that provides ultra-bright and spatially coherent emission across the entire spectrum of interest. Such a light source in combination with state-of-the-art multipass cell sin conjunction with specifically developed MIR detectors to ensure highly sensitive detection.
Both projects target different applications. FLAIR is a meant as a compact and lightweight 2D spectrometer system that would fit in a drone for airborne measurements, whereas TRIAGE uses a more advanced version of the supercontinuum, and together with cloud computing and machine learning based algorithms, is targeting fixed locations in urban or industrial environments.
This talk will take you on a journey from the first conceptual design, through the lows and highs of the system design, fabrication, and testing.
Short Bio
Laurent Balet (1977) received his diploma in experimental physics in 2002 from the ETHZ (CH). He obtained his PhD in Photonics in 2009 from EPFL (CH), with a thesis on the coupling of quantum dots to photonic crystal nanocavities at telecommunications wavelengths. He did research activities in quantum optics at the LANL (USA) and TU/e (NL). He currently works as a senior R&D engineer in the Systems Business Unit of CSEM SA (CH). His professional activities are mainly focused on the development of miniature atomic clocks, time metrology, quantum optics, and conception and design of optical measurement devices e.g. for the watchmaker industry. He acts as a project manager for the CSEM team working on the H2020 FLAIR and TRIAGE projects, with responsibility for the design, fabrication and testing of trace gas analysis spectrometers using nonlinear fiber supercontinuum generation, with broadband emission between 2μm and 10μm as a light source.

Francesca Santoro
Neuroinspired Electronics
The interface between biological cells and non-biological materials has profound influences on cellular activities, chronic tissue responses, and ultimately the success of medical implants and bioelectronic devices. The optimal coupling between cells, i.e. neurons, and materials is mainly based on surface interaction, electrical communication and sensing.
In the last years, many efforts have been devoted to the engineering of materials to recapitulate both the environment (i.e., dimensionality, curvature, dynamicity) and the functionalities (i.e. long and short term plasticity) of the neuronal tissue to ensure a better integration of the bioelectronic platform and cells.
On the one hand, here we explore how the transition from planar to pseudo-3D nanopatterned inorganic and organic materials have introduced a new strategy of integrating bioelectronic platforms with biological cells under static and dynamic conditions. On the other hand, we investigate how organic semiconductors can be exploited for recapitulating electrical neuronal functions such as long term and short term potentiation. In this way, both the topology and the material functionalities can be exploited for achieving in vitro biohybrid platforms for neuronal network interfacing.
Short Bio
Francesca Santoro received her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Biomedical Engineering at the ‘Federico II’ University of Naples (Italy) with specialization in biomaterials. She received a PhD in 2014 in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in a joint partnership between the RWTH Aachen and the Forschungszentrum Juelich (Germany). In October 2014, she joined Stanford University (USA) and received a research fellowship in 2016 by the Heart Rhythm Society. She joined IIT in July 2017 as Principal Investigator of the ‘Tissue Electronics’ lab. In 2018 she has been awarded the MIT Technology Review Under 35 Innovator ITALIA and EUROPE. She has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2020. She is among the Inspiring Fifty Italy and Europe and is also the winner of the Falling Walls Science Breakthrough of the Year in Engineering and Technology in 2021. Since January 2022, she is Professor in Neuroelectronic Interfaces at RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Juelich. She has been selected as a PI in the Interstellar Initiative by the New York Academy of Science and was the recipient of the prestigious Early Career Award by the German National Academy of Science Leopoldina in 2022. Since 2021 she among the Unstoppable Women by StartupItalia and the Inspiring Fifty Italy.

Luisa Petti
Printed sensors for sport, health, agri-food and environmental monitoring
FLAIR and its follow-up TRIAGE are H2020 projects aiming at developing air quality sampling sensors in the 2-10μm molecular fingerprint region. The sensors are based on an innovative supercontinuum laser that provides ultra-bright and spatially coherent emission across the entire spectrum of interest. Such a light source in combination with state-of-the-art multipass cell sin conjunction with specifically developed MIR detectors to ensure highly sensitive detection.
Both projects target different applications. FLAIR is a meant as a compact and lightweight 2D spectrometer system that would fit in a drone for airborne measurements, whereas TRIAGE uses a more advanced version of the supercontinuum, and together with cloud computing and machine learning based algorithms, is targeting fixed locations in urban or industrial environments.
This talk will take you on a journey from the first conceptual design, through the lows and highs of the system design, fabrication, and testing.
Short Bio
Luisa Petti is an Associate Professor at the Free University of Bolzano, Faculty of Engineering. She obtained her Ph.D. from ETH Zurich in 2016 with a thesis entitled “Metal oxide semiconductor thin-film transistors for flexible electronics”, for which she won the ETH medal. After a short postdoc, she joined first Cambridge Display Technology Ltd in 2016 and then FlexEnable Ltd in 2017 in Cambridge, UK. Since 2018 she is at the Free University of Bolzano, where she is vice-head of the Sensing Technologies Lab, an interdisciplinary group dedicated to printed and sustainable materials and devices for sensing applications. She is author of >130 publications. Luisa is senior member of IEEE, where she is part of the EDS Flexible Electronics and Display and the CRFID Additively Manufactured Electronics Systems Committees, as well as CAS Special Interest Group on Electronics for Agri-food. She is Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics and Frontiers in Electronics.

Laura Basiricò
Organic and Hybrid films as platforms for Large-area and Flexible Detectors of Ionizing Radiation
The development of ionizing radiation detection system over large areas is a crucial task in different fields such as nuclear waste management, radiotherapy or personal protection devices. Despite the excellent detecting performance of inorganic materials, the increasing quest for flexible, portable, low cost and low power consumption sensors pushed the scientific community to look for alternative materials and technologies. The recent progresses in material technologies and devices based on organic semiconductors and perovskites assessed their high potential for the development of detection of ionizing radiation, as they proven the ability to detect X-ray, coupled to unique properties such as solution-processability and fabrication on non-conventional substrates. Recent results on thin film detectors based on organic semiconductors and perovskites will be reported with a focus on the role of traps in the modelling of the observed X-ray detection processes. Further, the latest technological achievements and the new challenges opened by the possibility to detect other radiation sources (e.g. protons beams, high energy gammas) will be described.
Short Bio
Laura Basiricò received the M.S. degree in Physics from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2008. In 2009, she joined the University of Cagliari with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering as Ph.D student. She received the Ph.D. degree in 2012. Currently and since 2013 she is Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna. Her research interests concern flexible and organic electronics, electronic devices for sensing applications and in particular for ionizing radiation detection, smart devices based on advanced materials and technologies.
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E-mail: halo.h2020project@gmail.com