h-ALO with its photonic-based sensor is glad to participate at the Lopec 2022 with the aim of spread the knowledge collected during these months of development of the project and with the intention of expanding even more its network.
The health of the food industry plays a critical role in modern society. Apart from assuring adequate supply, the assessment of food quality is vitally important for human well-being. The EU-funded h-ALO project will develop a cutting-edge food sensor to enable the easy assessment of food quality and safety. The sensor will have unprecedented sensitivity to multiple contaminants from different food matrices while being fast and easy to use on-site by non-expert operators. By offering a highly sensitive, miniaturized, user-friendly solution to assess food quality, the goal is to equip local food producers and retailers with a tool that can greatly increase competitiveness and product value throughout the industry.
The half-day workshop aims to promote an exchange of information on ongoing European trends in the applications of advanced photonics and electronics in smart systems for bio diagnostics, environmental monitoring, and food safety/quality. The h-ALO project together with other EU-funded projects and representatives from relevant European networks and associations will pitch and discuss the main goals and results of their ongoing R&I activities and main drivers of innovation, especially in relation to the possible impact on industrialization and funding opportunities in EU.

The LOPEC Conference is the world’s biggest communication venue for research, expertise, and solutions in the printed electronics industry, with over 200 conference presentations. All presentations are peer-reviewed by an international panel of specialists, assuring topicality and cutting-edge knowledge.
LOPEC invites well-known business leaders and scientists to speak at its annual Conference event. The LOPEC Conference has once again attracted a big number of business people and scientists from around the world to speak.
MODERATOR: Lorenza Carabba (Warrant Hub)
Time Item
14:00-14:10 Registration
14:10-14:20 Welcome and overview of the session | Stefano Toffanin (CNR-ISMN)
14:20-14:35 EU Framework Programmes supporting innovation | Lorenza Carabba (Warrant Hub)
14:35-14:50 Electronic and photonic technologies aiming at integration, multisensing and portability | Heinz Seyringer (Photonics21 Board Member)
14:50-15:05 h-ALO project – photonic system for Adaptable muLtiple-analyte Monitoring of fOod quality | Mario Prosa (CNR-ISMN)
15:05-16:05 EU funded projects: pitch session
- 15:05-15:15 > PHOTONFOOD (ECREAM Cluster) – Flexible mid-infrared photonic solutions for rapid farm-to-fork sensing of food contaminants | Boris Mizaikoff (Ulm University);
- 15:15-15:25 > GRACED (ECREAM Cluster) – A new generation of sensors to monitor food quality | Alessandro Giusti (CyRIC – Cyprus Research & Innovation Center);
- 15:25-15:35 > PASSEPARTOUT (ECREAM Cluster) – Photonic Sensors for Pollution Monitoring | Prof. Mikhail Belkin (TU-Munich);
- 15:35-15:45 > TRIAGE (ECREAM Cluster) – Ultra-broadband infrared gas sensor for pollution detection | Erika Gyoervary (CSEM – Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique;
- 15:45-15:55 > SIMBIT – The single molecule bio-electronic smart system array for clinical testing | Luisa Torsi (CSGI – Unit of Bari University c/o Chemistry Department);
- 15:55-16:05 > ELFO Project – Electronic Food | Mario Caironi (Center for Nano Science and Technology@PoliMi of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia)
16:05-16:20 Coffee break
16:20-16:50 Round-table > Moderator: Stefano Toffanin (CNR-ISMN) | Participants:
- Ronald Osterbacka | Abo Akademi University
- Eva Melnik | AIT – Austrian Institute of Technology
- Harrie van den Bijgaart | QLIP B.V.
- Giorgio dell’Erba | FleepTech s.r.l.
16:50-17:00 Closing | Stefano Toffanin (CNR-ISMN)
Participate to h-ALO workshop: you will receive a free ticket for LOPEC 2022 on March 23rd, 2022.
The event is free but registration is mandatory. After registration, you will receive instuctions to participate at the event.
Are you interested in Organic photonics as key-enabling technology in optical biosensors for food safety and quality?
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