12 October 2022
The second End-users Committee workshop has been organized to co-define with the end-users the most relevant information to be gathered in the h-ALO Test Manager application that is being developed by 7BULLS.
The workshop was split into two sessions: the first session was held on May 4th, 2022 in the context of the General Assembly of the h-ALO project (Figure 15). A follow-up meeting with the End-Users committee was held online on May 27th, 2022 to conclude the discussion.
The workshops were moderated by the 7BULLS’ team who interviewed the invited stakeholders from the End-Users Committee to gather input on their wants and needs concerning the h-ALO online platform. During the workshop, 7BULLS investigated the opinion of the End-Users about:
– which should be the main goals of the h-ALO Test manager applications;
– in which steps of the production process it is more useful to register results of the testing through the h-ALO sensor;
– which can be specific features needed by the end-users.
According to end-users feedback, the h-ALO Test Manager application should allow to register results of tests for contaminants and quickly identify if there is a problem or if that problem may raise in the near future.
End-users expressed their interest in having the following features:
– possibility to see in the application “bad values” highlighted;
– possibility to show a trend of the measured values during a time;
– possibility to compare different measurements;
– possibility to monitor the frequency of testing and schedule tests;
– notification on the quality of the test (alerts that indicate when the sensor has to be recalibrated or the cartridge is too old, etc);
– possibility to customize the threshold and to assign a colour code to results (e.g.: results below the threshold – OK – green, results near to the threshold -warning- orange; results above the threshold – critical – red) ;
– the ability to export data (for users to create official reports based on this export);
– access to data limited to the specific organization.
Based on these inputs, 7BULLS will continue working on the h-ALO Test Manager application.
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