08 October 2022

Yesterday, October 7th 2022, h-ALO Review Meeting took place online. The event, organized after 18 months since the beginning of the project, was led by the Project Coordinator, Stefano Toffanin by CNR-ISTM, who invited all partners, the Project Officer of the European Commission and two external experts. The aim was to present the activities done in the project and the first results achieved.

Project partners presented the technical achievements that were related to:

  • Design, cross-correlation and optimization of single optical, plasmonic and optoelectronic components
  • Progress in the realization of highly integrated photonic sensor for multimodal optical transductions
  • Realization of the multiple diagnostic platforms on h-ALO sensing surface
  • Optimization of the technologies and methodologies for sampling and analyte capture/release
  • Progress in the definition of effectivness and operability in real-setting scenarios
  • Update of the concept of the functional prototype

Keep following us to have more details!
